Industry Dynamics 1

Time:2023-03-17 Click:66535

Printing industry Marketing: How to overcome the cold market?

[CPP114] News: This year, for marketing, was a dramatic year.

As the COVID-19 epidemic continues to spread around the world, the economy of many regions has pressed the pause button. For enterprises, the economic winter has been prolonged, activities have been suspended, exhibitions have been postponed, and downstream demand is unstable. The first topic of many companies' annual meeting is how to do the market this year. Yes, the external market is cold, many marketing plans are disrupted, marketing has to be re-planned.

How to break the game against the wind, how to take advantage of the situation, build momentum, plot momentum? Qin Qin today from these three aspects to talk with you.

The first is leverage, and the key to leverage is to be able to make some kind of connection.

For example, after the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, many epidemic prevention supplies were sold out almost overnight, including masks that people could not even buy. This market vacancy has also been seen by many enterprises. For example, in the printing machinery industry, many enterprises began to purchase production drawings of mask machines and quickly set up production lines. Due to the long-term accumulation of mechanical manufacturing experience, the machines could be tested and put on line within a month, and then the orders kept coming. On the one hand, it eases the market demand, on the other hand, it wins more profits for enterprises in special times. In addition to the production of mask machines, there are also some companies that have the foresight to put the mask production line into production in a very short time, perhaps the product will come out two months later than the equipment, but once the sales are realized, the orders are endless...... This is a special occasion.

The second is publicity. There is a kind of empty hand white Wolf feeling, if there is no contact to be found, it may as well try to create a publicity, publicity excellent can also receive the same effect.

For example, I remember a teacher once said that there are three realms of writing: the first is to write what there is, the second is nothing but what is written, the third is not only nothing but what is written, but also summed up the experience of thinking. The promotion mentioned by the author here is mainly used in our industry to achieve the purpose of communication through planning activities (online and offline), and can quickly and widely attract the attention of people in the industry. For example, new product release conference, online live broadcast, media communication meeting, theme forum, equipment demonstration, leader visits and so on, these belong to publicity. Sometimes, even just an update on the official wechat account can attract many fans and attention.

Finally, a word about strategy. Man proposes and God disposes. That's what it means.

The strategy of new media mainly lies in the platform and content, such as the popular Douyin video segment and live broadcast, the popular communication mode, and the easily available self-worth display, so that more and more enterprises begin to encourage their employees to promote nationwide Douyin marketing. With the advent of 5G era, the live broadcast experience of users will get better and better. In addition to the eloquence of anchors, the interactive gameplay and the high restoration display of details will directly affect the consumption decisions of users, which is indeed worth everyone's attention.

Qin Qin has said more than once in recent years that the next three years will be the marketing front of short video. If people didn't pay much attention to the first two years, then after the market changes caused by the outbreak of the epidemic this year, the "home" economy has completely refreshed people's understanding of short video. In the future, if you like to watch short video, Brush the brush will see the figure of your familiar customers or students who have not seen for a long time...... This should be taken for granted.
Therefore, choose a good platform, formulate a clear propaganda goal, do a good job in the construction of content (such as providing a variety of conditions for shooting, guiding the focus of new media publicity, creating corporate star face, etc.) and 50 cents of special effects production, etc., can become the business owners can start to do things immediately.

In conclusion, Qin Qin also believes that the first half of this year's corporate marketing will focus on new media, and the second half will focus on offline activities.

There are still differences between new media and we media, and we should not confuse them. For example, @Insearch Media belongs to new media, while the @Qin Qin you are watching now belongs to We media. However, new media is by no means limited to wechat public account, which is just one of the platforms of new media. Tiktok, public account, Weibo, Toutiao, UC, Zhihu, Sohu and print Soso are all new media platforms.

Whether it is vertical advertising, wechat graphic publicity, or live marketing with goods, seize opportunities, embrace changes, and achieve symbiosis and win-win, are the direction of new media publicity this year. With the forecast of exhibition and economic recovery in the second half of the year, offline activities of enterprises will become the mainstream, of course, online is still an auxiliary marketing tool.

In 2020, we will also see this new strength, that is, business owners and brand owners should stop thinking about banner advertising, and highly embrace vertical advertising. They should consider advertising content from three aspects: user value, content resilience and first impression. They should also put forward higher requirements for creative production of advertising, and adjust the creative direction, so as to cater to the current communication context of users.

A few days ago, in an online class, a teacher once said: in 2020, the commercial value of short video we media will realize a comprehensive upgrade, break out greater potential and influence, we media content creators with unique personalized labels and sustainable production capacity of high-quality content will be the old winners.
I agree. The key word here is "consistently". That is to say, it's not hard to post one or several valuable posts. That is to say, when we media becomes more and more, users will have more and more choices. Only those who adhere to original content and value innovation will survive